- 1. Documentation
- 1.1. Summary
- 1.2. Version History
- 1.3. Template Parameters
- 2. Template Code
This box includes basic usage information for this template. When calling the template, this documentation will not appear. Functional template code should be placed outside the dotted box.
Template Description | This is a wrapper for highly awesome Highcharts graphing package. Two reasons this package is great:
Requirements |
Documentation URL | |
Discussion URL | |
Version History
Place newest version at the top of the table.
Version | Date | Author | Description |
0.2.1b | 15-Oct-2010 | Neil Weinstock | Fixed a major bug in the handling of the options parameter. |
0.2.0b | 4-Oct-2010 | Neil Weinstock | Added labelFormatter, tooltipFormatter and categories parameters. Upgrading to "beta". |
0.1.0a | 29-Sep-2010 | Neil Weinstock | Basic functionality in place. Still evolving rapidly. |
0.0.0a | 28-Sep-2010 | Neil Weinstock | Just getting started |
Template Parameters
Name | Type | Default | Description |
CORE | The following arguments are all you need to do anything you want. These can all be accessed either in an ordered list (highcharts(type, size, data, options)) or via an argument map (highcharts { type:"line", etc. }). | ||
type | str? | "line" | Default chart type. May be one of the following (case insensitive):
For all options except "raw", this template will generate a set of pleasing defaults for that chart type. For "raw", this template generate "renderTo" and "series" (from the data parameter), but leave everything else up to you to implement via the options parameter. In other words, the template will pretty much get out of the way and let you feed Highcharts exactly the options you want. |
size | list of two numbers? | [400,200] | Width and height (in pixels) of chart container |
data | list | required | List of data series. Format of each data series is chart type-dependent. (add more here) |
options | map? | {} | Additional options passed directly to Highcharts. This options map is intelligently (?) merged with the options generated by the template based on the previous parameters. So you only need to specify options here to either override or modify what the template already provides. Note that label and tooltip formatters (if desired) must be specified using the dedicated options given below. |
labelFormatter | str? | nil | Code for a custom plotOptions.series.dataLabels.formatter function. This lets you specify the exact contents of the labels shown on the chart for each data point. This is generally most useful for pie charts. See the linked documentation for explanation and examples. Note that the template will automatically generate the function wrapper; you only need to specify the contents of the formatter function (i.e., everything inside the {}). |
tooltipFormatter | str? | nil | Code for a custom tooltip.formatter function. This lets you specify the exact contents of the tooltip shown when you mouse-over a point on the chart. This works will all chart types. As with labelFormatter, you only specify the contents of the function, and the template will generate the function wrapper. |
debug | bool? | false | Show debug output. Specifically, this will display the argument map that is passed to Highcharts. This option requires the PrettyPrint template, and CollapseItem is recommended as well. |
CONVENIENCE | The following arguments are provided as convenient shortcuts for applying some common modifications to the graph. These can be accessed only as named arguments in an argument map (highcharts {}). | ||
animation | bool? | false | Enable or disable animation when the graph is first displayed. Shorthand for options.plotOptions.series.animation. |
categories | list? | nil | Category names for the x axis. Size of this list should be equal (at least) to the size of the data series. Shorthand for options.xAxis.categories. |
title | str? | nil | Title text for the chart. This will be placed above the chart, centered. For more precise control, feed the required info directly to the options parameter. Shorthand for options.title.text, plus some additional interpretation. |
stacking | str? | nil | Set to "normal" to stack based on summing the series. Set to "percent" to stack based on percentage of total. Shorthand for options.plotOptions.series.stacking. |
Template Code
Unsafecontent Permission Check
// This code checks if the template is properly installed for unsafe content execution, // and may be removed if this check is not desired. If you leave this here, add your new code // in a new DekiScript block below this one. var thisTemplate = wiki.inclusions()[-1]; if (!wiki.pagepermissions(, <div style="color:red; width:75%; padding:5px; border:1px solid red;"> "WARNING: The page '"..thisTemplate.path.."' must be re-saved by a user with UNSAFECONTENT permission in order to work correctly. "; <a href=""> "See this" </a>; " for more info."; </div>;
Parameter Processing
// Errors array. There's lots of error checking to do, even if we can't possibly cover everything var errors = []; var fatal = false; // Convenience variables for all the different series types var line = "line"; var spline = "spline"; var area = "area"; var areaspline = "areaspline"; var column = "column"; var bar = "bar"; var pie = "pie"; var scatter = "scatter"; var raw = "raw"; // ==================== // Process Parameters // ==================== // == Core Parameters == // type: what kind of chart (OPTIONAL; default "line") var validTypes = [ line,spline,area,areaspline,column,bar,pie,scatter,raw ]; var type = $0 ?? $type ?? line; if (type is str) let type = string.tolower(type); if (!list.contains(validTypes, type)) { let errors ..= [ ("TYPE parameter must be one of "; validTypes) ]; } // size: dimensions of chart area, in pixels (OPTIONAL; default 400x200) var size = $1 ?? $size ?? [ 400, 200 ]; if (size is not list || size[0] is not num || size[1] is not num) { let errors ..= [ "SIZE parameter must be a list of two numbers" ]; } // data: chart data. This is always a list, with each list element a data series (REQUIRED) var data = $2 ?? $data; if (data is not list) { let errors ..= [ "FATAL: DATA parameter must be a list of data series" ]; let fatal = true; } // options: all other options for the chart (OPTIONAL) var options = $3 ?? $options ?? {}; if (options is not map) { let errors ..= [ "OPTIONS parameter must be a map" ]; } // data label formatter var labelFormatter = $4 ?? $labelFormatter; if (labelFormatter is not nil && labelFormatter is not str) { let errors ..= [ "LABELFORMATTER parameter must be a string" ]; let labelFormatter = nil; } // tooltip formatter var tooltipFormatter = $5 ?? $tooltipFormatter; if (tooltipFormatter is not nil && tooltipFormatter is not str) { let errors ..= [ "TOOLTIPFORMATTER parameter must be a string" ]; let tooltipFormatter = nil; } // debug var debug = $6 ?? $debug ?? false; // == Convenience Parameters == // animation var animation = $animation ?? false; if (animation is not bool) { let errors ..= [ "ANIMATION parameter must be bool" ]; let animation = false; } // categories var categories = $categories; if (categories is not nil && categories is not list) { let errors ..= [ "CATEGORIES must be a list of category names" ]; let categories = nil; } // stacking var stacking = $stacking; if (stacking is not nil && !list.contains(["normal", "percent"], stacking)) { let errors ..= [ "STACKING parameter must be either 'normal' or 'percent'" ]; let stacking = nil; } // title var title = $title; if (title is not nil && title is not str) { let errors ..= [ "TITLE parameter must be a string" ]; let title = nil; } // Construct the chart options var chartOptions; if (type == raw) { let chartOptions = { chart: { renderTo: @holder }, series: data }; } else { // Chart: should be derived from user-specified options var titleMargin = (#title ? 40 : 0); var topMargin = titleMargin + (type == pie ? 0 : (titleMargin ? 40 : 50)); var bottomMargin = (type == pie ? 0 : 30); var leftMargin = (type == pie ? 30 : 60); var rightMargin = (type == pie ? 0 : 10); var specChart = { renderTo: @holder, defaultSeriesType: type, margin: [ topMargin, rightMargin, bottomMargin, leftMargin ], borderRadius: 5 }; // Tooltip var specTooltip = {}; // plotOptions: Very specific to chart type var specPlotOptions = { series: { animation: animation, stacking: stacking } }; if (type == pie) let specPlotOptions ..= { pie: { allowPointSelect: true, dataLabels: { enabled: true, color: "white" }, center: [ num.min(size[0],size[1]) / 2 + 10, "50%" ] } }; // Credits: turn off "Highcharts" credit var specCredits = { enabled: false }; // Title var specTitle = { text:title, x: 25, y: 30, style: { color: "black", fontWeight: "bold", fontSize: "18px" } }; // Legend var specLegend = type == pie ? { layout: "vertical", borderRadius: 5, align: "right", verticalAlign: "middle", x: -30, y: 0 } : { layout: "horizontal", borderRadius: 5, verticalAlign: "top", x: 25, y: (#title ? 45 : 10) }; // X axis var specXaxis = { categories : categories }; // Y axis var specYaxis = { }; // Series var specSeries = type == pie ? [ { data: data } ] : data; // Assemble it all let chartOptions = { chart: specChart, tooltip: specTooltip, plotOptions: specPlotOptions, credits: specCredits, title: specTitle, legend: specLegend, xAxis: specXaxis, yAxis: specYaxis, series: specSeries }; } // Merge user-supplied options into chartOptions foreach (var k:v in options) { if (v is not map) let errors ..= [ "OPTIONS arg: '"..k.."' element must be a map" ]; let chartOptions ..= { (k) : (chartOptions[k]??{}) .. { (kk):(vv is map ? chartOptions[k][kk]..vv : vv) foreach var kk:vv in v } }; }
Output Generation
if (#errors) <div style="color:red"> <strong> "Highcharts errors:" </strong>; <ul> foreach (var e in errors) <li> e </li>; </ul>; </div>; else <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src=(thisTemplate.files["highcharts.js"].uri)></script>; <script type="text/javascript"> " $(function() { var options = "..json.emit(chartOptions).."; "; // Add formatter(s) if necessary if (labelFormatter is not nil) " if (options.plotOptions.series.dataLabels == null) options.plotOptions.series.dataLabels = {}; options.plotOptions.series.dataLabels.formatter = function(){ "..labelFormatter .. " }; "; if (tooltipFormatter is not nil) " if (options.tooltip == null) options.tooltip = {}; options.tooltip.formatter = function(){ "..tooltipFormatter.." }; "; // Resume " var chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options); }); " </script>; </head>; <body> if (debug) <div style="color:red; border: 1px dotted red; padding:10px;"> <strong> "Highcharts debug output" </strong>; <div> "Here are the parameters passed to the ";"", "template"); ":"; <div style="margin-left: 20px"> prettyPrint(args) </div>; "Here is the generated argument map passed to ";"", "Highcharts"); ":"; <div style="margin-left: 20px"> prettyPrint(chartOptions) </div>; if (labelFormatter is not nil) <div> "The custom datalabel formatter is: "; <strong> "function() { " .. labelFormatter .. " }" </strong>; </div>; if (tooltipFormatter is not nil) <div> "The custom tooltip formatter is: "; <strong> "function() { " .. tooltipFormatter .. " }" </strong>; </div>; <div> "The resulting chart appears below this box." </div>; </div>; </div>; <div id=(@holder) style=("width:"..size[0].."px; height:"..size[1].."px;")/>; </body>; </html>;