
23:24, 7 Dez 2013 geändert von admin | Historie
    keine Gliederung
    // SimplePoll
    //    originally by neilw, 2009
    //    translated by carles.coll, 2009
    //    Version history:
    //        1.00    20-August-2009        neilw           First published version
    //        1.01    26-August-2009        neilw           Each poll uses a different channel and __request arg so
    //                                                          multiple polls can coexist on the same page
    //                                                      Changed display style of poll results a bit
    //                                                      Added "bar" argument
    //        1.02    21-October-2009       charles.coll    Get the result detail (who)
    //                                                      Added Fixed Behaviour parameter
    //                                                      Now the parameter path works
    //                                                      Multilanguage support
    //        1.03    23-October-2009       neilw           Cleaned up "View details" display and other minor code tweaks
    //        1.04    15-December-2009      neilw           Fixed a timezone-processing bug
    //        1.05    16-December-2009      neilw           Added Italian translation, thanks Giulio!
    //        1.06    13-January-2010       neilw           Fixed language processing problem
    //        1.07    18-March-2010         varosi          Added option to align poll differently
    //        1.08    29-August-2010        neilw           Fixed HTML entity syntax for 10.0
    // Usage:  SimplePoll(question:str, answers:list of str, name:str?, path:str?, closed:str? or bool?, color_bar:str?, fixed_behavior: str?, language: str?)
    //    question:  The poll question
    //    answers:   List of possible answers
    //    name:      (optional) Unique name for the poll, in case you want to store multiple poll results
    //                on the same page properties
    //    path:      (optional) Path to page where properties will be stored.  Must be readable/writable
    //                by voters!
    //    closed:    (optional) Either "true" to close the poll, or a valid date (GMT!!!!) string indicating
    //                when the poll should close
    //    color_bar:       (optional) color of results bars (default: "#B00000")
    //    fixed_behavior:            (optional) default -> Automatic.
    //                                edit -> Edit Poll
    //                                view -> View Poll Statistics
    //                                view_details -> View who answers what
    //    language:                 (optional) default -> 
    //                                                    1st  -> Page language
    //                                                    2nd  -> Site language
    //                                                    3rd  -> 'en-us'
    //    halign:                   (optional) Horizontal poll alignment
    //                              default -> center
    // get initialized
    var question = $0 ?? $question ?? "";
    var answers = $1 ?? $answers ?? [];
    var fixed_behavior = $fixed_behavior ?? "";
    var language = __request.args.language ?? args.language ??
        ( page.language..'' != '' ? page.language : (site.language..'' != '' ? site.language : 'en-us') );
    var halign = $halign ?? "center";
    var LANGUAGE_ES = {
        warning_question: "CUIDADO: la pregunta tiene que ser una cadena de carecteres o un XML",
        warning_no_answers: "CUIDADO: No has pasado respuestas. Así no podremos hacer un encuesta!",
        error_no_data_page: "ERROR: no puedo encontrar la pagina con los datos de la encuesta",
        error_invalid_close_date: "ERROR: 'cerrada' no es una fecha valida; asumo que la encuesta esta abierta",
        error_invalid_data: "ERROR: los datos de la encuesta existen pero tienen un formato erroneo (tiene que ser de tipo 'map')",
        error_updating_vote: "ERROR: actualizando el voto ",
        error_creating_vote: "ERROR: creando el voto ",
        error_reading_vote: "ERROR: leyendo el voto ",
        txt_your_answer: "Tu respuesta: ",
        txt_change_my_vote: "cambiar mi voto",
        txt_vote: "votar en esta encuesta",
        txt_view_results: "ver resultados",
        txt_poll_closes_in: "La encuesta se cierra en ",
        txt_votes: " votos contados",
        txt_view_details: "ver detalles",
        txt_poll_closed: "esta encuesta esta cerrada",
        msg_poll_closed: "Ahora la encuesta esta cerrada, lo siento!",
        button_submit: "guardar"
    var LANGUAGE_DE = {
        warning_question: "WARNING: question must be string or xml",
        warning_no_answers: "WARNING: You have provided no answers.  Not much of a poll!",
        error_no_data_page: "ERROR: can't find page with data store",
        error_invalid_close_date: "ERROR: 'closed' is not a valid date; assuming poll is open",
        error_invalid_data: "ERROR: poll data store exists but has the wrong type (instead of 'map')",
        error_updating_vote: "ERROR: updating poll ",
        error_creating_vote: "ERROR: creating poll ",
        error_reading_vote: "ERROR: reding poll ",
        txt_your_answer: "Ihre Antwort: ",
        txt_change_my_vote: "Antworten anpassen",
        txt_vote: "Antworten in dieser Umfrage",
        txt_view_results: "Zeige Resultate",
        txt_poll_closes_in: "Umfrageschluss ist ",
        txt_votes: " Benutzer haben teilgenommen",
        txt_view_details: "zeige Details",
        txt_poll_closed: "diese Umfrage ist beendet",
        msg_poll_closed: "diese Umfrage ist beendet",
        button_submit: "Absenden"
    var LANGUAGE_IT = {
        warning_question: "ATTENZIONE: la domanda deve essere una stringa o xml",
        warning_no_answers: "ATTENZIONE: non hai risposto.  Così non riusciamo a fare un sondaggio!!",
        error_no_data_page: "ERRORE: non trovo la pagina con i dati del sondaggio",
        error_invalid_close_date: "ERRORE: 'chiuso' non è una data valida; si presume che il sondaggio sia aperto",
        error_invalid_data: "ERRORE: lo store per i dati del sondaggio esiste ma ha un formato errato (deve essere di tipo 'map')",
        error_updating_vote: "ERRORE: aggiornamento sondaggio ",
        error_creating_vote: "ERRORE: creazione sondaggio ",
        error_reading_vote: "ERRORE: lettura sondaggio ",
        txt_your_answer: "La tua risposta: ",
        txt_change_my_vote: "Cambia il mio voto",
        txt_vote: "Vota il sondaggio",
        txt_view_results: "Risultati",
        txt_poll_closes_in: "Il sondaggio chiude il ",
        txt_votes: " voti",
        txt_view_details: "Dettaglio dei voti",
        txt_poll_closed: "Questo sondaggio è finito",
        msg_poll_closed: "Il sondaggio adesso è chiuso, spiacenti!",
        button_submit: "submit"
    var TXTS = {
        en: LANGUAGE_DE, 'de-ch': LANGUAGE_DE,
        es: LANGUAGE_ES, 'es-es': LANGUAGE_ES,
        it: LANGUAGE_IT, 'it-it': LANGUAGE_IT
    var lg = language;
    if (question is not str && question is not xml) <p>TXTS[lg].warning_question;</p>;
    if (#answers == 0) <p>TXTS[lg].warning_no_answers;</p>;
    var CONST_POLLDATA_NAME = "poll_default_name";
    var poll_name = $2 ?? $name?? CONST_POLLDATA_NAME;
    if (poll_name is not str) {
       /* <p>"ERROR: el nombre tiene que ser una cadena de caracteres. Le assignamos automáticamente el nombre '"..CONST_POLLDATA_NAME.."'"</p>; */
        let poll_name = CONST_POLLDATA_NAME;
    var poll_arg = "poll_"..poll_name;
    var path = $3 ?? $path;
    var p = (path == nil ? page : wiki.getpage(path));
    var p_api = null;
    if (p == nil) { <p>TXTS[lg].error_no_data_page;</p>;}
       else { let p_api = p.api; }
    var closed = $4 ?? $closed ?? false;
    var closing_time = false;
    if (closed is not bool) {
        if (!date.isvalid(closed)) {
            let closed = false;
        else {      // convert to local time
            let closing_time = date.format(closed,"r");
            let closed = date.compare(date.now, closing_time) > 0;
    var bar = $5 ?? $color_bar ?? "#B00000";
    var viewURI = page.uri & { (poll_arg):"view" };
    var viewDetailsURI = page.uri & { (poll_arg):"view_details" };
    var editURI = page.uri & { (poll_arg):"edit" };
    // Fetch the data store
    var data = json.parse(p.properties[poll_name].text ?? '{}');
    if (data is not map)
    // Now figure out what to show
    var vote = (data[user.name] ?? {}).poll;
    var can_vote = !closed && !user.anonymous && wiki.pagepermissions(path).update;
    var has_voted = (vote != nil);
    var showform = (fixed_behavior=='edit') || 
                 (fixed_behavior=='') &&
                    (can_vote && (!has_voted || __request.args[poll_arg] == "edit")
                          && __request.args[poll_arg] != "view"
                          && __request.args[poll_arg] != "view_details"
    <table align=(halign) cellpadding="5" style="background-color:#F4F4F4; border:2px solid #808080">
        <tr><td align="center" style="font-weight:bold; padding-bottom:10px"> question </td></tr>;
        if (showform) {     // Allow user to enter or edit poll response(s)
            <tr><td align="center"><form id=(@form)>
                <ul style="text-align:left">
                    foreach (var opt in answers) { 
                        if ((fixed_behavior=='edit') && (__request.args[poll_arg]!='edit') && (has_voted)) {
                         if(has_voted && vote==__index) { <B>TXTS[lg].txt_your_answer;</B>opt; }
                         <li style="list-style:none">
                          <input type="radio" name="poll"
                            value=(__index) checked=(has_voted && vote==__index ? 'checked' : nil)> " "..opt.." " </input>
                <span style="text-align:center; padding-top:10px">
                  if ((fixed_behavior=='edit')&& (__request.args[poll_arg]!='edit') && (has_voted)) {
                      if (can_vote) <a href=(editURI)> has_voted ? TXTS[lg].txt_change_my_vote : TXTS[lg].txt_vote </a>;                
                     <input type="button" value=(TXTS[lg].button_submit) ctor="when($this.click) {
                        var m = { };
                        Deki.$('form#' + {{@form}} + ' input').each(function() {
                            if ($(this).attr('name') == 'poll' && $(this).attr('checked')) m['poll'] = Deki.$(this).val();
                        Deki.publish({{@channel}}, { {{user.name}}:m }); }"/>; " ";
                    if(fixed_behavior=='') { <a href=(viewURI)> <span style="font-size:smaller">TXTS[lg].txt_view_results</span> </a> }
                if (closing_time) {
                    <br />;
                    var ct = date.changetimezone(closing_time, user.timezone);
                    let ct = date.format(string.substr(ct,0,string.lastindexof(ct," ")),"MMM d, yyyy, h:mm tt");
                    <span style="font-size:smaller"> TXTS[lg].txt_poll_closes_in .. ct </span>;
        else {              // Display poll results
         if ((fixed_behavior=='view') || 
              ( (fixed_behavior=='') && 
                (__request.args[poll_arg] != "view_details")
              )) {
            // Calculate results
            var total = #data;
            <tr><td align="center">
                <span style="font-size:smaller"> total .. TXTS[lg].txt_votes </span>;
                    foreach (var i in num.series(0,#answers-1)) {
                        var result = #map.select(data, "$.value.poll == "..i);
                        var pct = num.round(100*result/num.max(total,1),1);
                        var width = num.round(2 * pct, 0);
                            <td> answers[i] </td>
                                <img src="/skins/common/icons/icon-trans.gif" style=("background-color:"..bar) height="10" width=(width) />
                                <img src="/skins/common/icons/icon-trans.gif" style="background-color:#C0C0C0" height="10" width=(200-width) />
                                " " .. pct .. "% (" .. result .. ")"
                if (fixed_behavior=='') {
                   <span style="text-align:center; padding-top:10px; font-size:smaller">
                      <a href=(viewDetailsURI)>TXTS[lg].txt_view_details</a>;
                      if (can_vote) <a href=(editURI)> has_voted ? TXTS[lg].txt_change_my_vote : TXTS[lg].txt_vote </a>;
                      else if (closed) TXTS[lg].txt_poll_closed;
            else {
            // Show details
            <tr><td align="center">
                    foreach (var i in num.series(0,#answers-1)) {
                            <th style="text-align:center; border:1px solid #606060"> answers[i] </th>
                    foreach (var i in num.series(0,#answers-1)) {
                        var result = Map.Keys(map.select(data, "$.value.poll == "..i));
                            <td valign="top" style="text-align:center">
                                if (#result) {
                                    <span style="font-size:.8em">"("..#result.." votes)" </span>;
                                    <br />;
                                foreach (var who in result) {
                                    if (__index) <br />;
                if(fixed_behavior=='') {
                  <span style="text-align:center; padding-top:10px; font-size:smaller">
                    <a href=(viewURI)> <span style="font-size:smaller">TXTS[lg].txt_view_results</span> </a>
                    if (can_vote) <a href=(editURI)> has_voted ? TXTS[lg].txt_change_my_vote : TXTS[lg].txt_vote </a>;
                    else if (closed) "esta encuesta esta cerrada";
    // Code to update the page properties, largely cribbed from SteveB's "UpdateStore" template
    var store = poll_name;
    <script type="text/javascript"> "
       Deki.subscribe('"..@channel.."', null, function(c, m, d) {
            var closed = " .. json.emit(closed) .. ";
            var closing_time = " .. json.emit(closing_time) .. ";
            var d = new Date();
            if (closed || (closing_time && d.getTime() > Date.parse(closing_time))) {
                window.location.href = '" .. page.uri .. "';
            var prop = 'urn:custom.mindtouch.com#'  + '"..store.."';
            Deki.Api.ReadPageProperty('"..p_api.."', prop, function(result) {
                var data = eval('(' + (result.value || '{}') + ')');
                for (var k in m) data[k] = m[k];
                    Deki.Api.UpdatePageProperty(result.href, YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(data), result.etag,
                        function() { window.location.href = '" .. page.uri .. "'; },
                        function(result) { alert('"..TXTS[lg].error_updating_vote.." (esatdo: ' +
                result.status + ' - ' + result.text + ')'); }
                    Deki.Api.CreatePageProperty('"..p_api.."', prop, YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(data),
                        function() { window.location.href = '" .. page.uri .. "'; },
                        function(result) { alert('"..TXTS[lg].error_creating_vote.." (esatdo: ' +
                result.status + ' - ' + result.text + ')'); }
            function(result) { alert('"..TXTS[lg].error_reading_vote.." (esatdo: ' +
                result.status + ' - ' + result.text + ')'); }
        }, null);
    " </script> 


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