
12:01, 23 Nov 2014 geändert von dsc | Historie
    keine Gliederung
        SeeAlso(pages, exclude, limit, parents)
            Show pages related to current page by hierarchy and by see: and keyword: tags.
        (optional) pages : list (default: child pages of current page)
            List of pages to organize based on their tags.
        (optional) exclude : list (default: none)
            List of pages to exclude from the related list.
        (optional) limit : num (default: 8)
            Limit of related pages to use to determine if additional pages need to be discovered and included in the related list.
        (optional) parents : bool (default: true)
            Show link to parent page if no other links are shown.
    // Redirect to custom page, if any
    var template_custom = wiki.inclusions(true)[-1].path .. 'Custom';
    if (wiki.pageexists(template_custom)) {
        return template(template_custom, $);
    var pages = $0 ?? $pages;
    var exclude = $1 ?? $exclude ?? [ ];
    var limit = $2 ?? $limit ?? 5;
    var parents = $2 ?? $parents ?? true; 
    //--- Aggregate Pages ---
    // if no pages were provided, enumerate child pages
    if(pages is nil) {
        let pages = [ 
                var id in [ num.cast(xml.text(id)) foreach var id in wiki.tree(_, 1)["//@pageid"] ] 
    // find tags with the 'see:' prefix (or no prefix) and include the definition page or related pages
    let pages ..= [
        p .. { origin: 'tags' }
            var tag in page.tags where (tag.type === 'text') && (string.startswith(tag.name, 'see:', true) || !string.contains(tag.name, ':')),
            var def = tag.definition,
            var p in ((def && (def.id != page.id)) ? [ def ] : tag.pages) where p.id != page.id
    // find tags with the 'keyword:' prefix and include search results for them
    if(#pages < limit) {
        var terms = [
            '"' .. string.escape(string.substr(tag.name, 5)) .. '"'
                var tag in page.tags where (tag.type == 'text') && string.startswith(tag.name, 'keyword:')
        if(#terms) {
            var searchString = string.join(terms, ' ');
            var defaultSearch = 'type:wiki AND namespace:main';
            // find main guide (tagged article:topic-guide), if any
            var pathSearch = '';
            foreach (var parent in page.parents) {
                var isTopic = #[tag foreach var tag in parent.tags where (tag.type == 'text' && string.endswith(tag.name, 'topic-guide'))] > 0;
                if (isTopic) {
                    let pathSearch = ' AND path:' .. parent.path .. '/*';
            // keyword must appear in title
            var titleSearch = ' AND title:' .. searchString;
            var searchQuery = defaultSearch .. titleSearch .. pathSearch;
            let pages ..= [
                p .. { origin: 'keyword' }
                    var p in wiki.getsearch(searchString, limit - #pages, _, searchQuery)
    // de-duplicate pages
    var uniquepages = [ ];
    var pageids = [ ];
    foreach(var p in pages) {
        if((p.id != page.id) && (p.id not in pageids) && (p.id not in exclude)) {
            let pageids ..= [ p.id ];
            let uniquepages ..= [ p ];
    let pages = list.sort(uniquepages, 'path');
    // enumerate all pages and classify them
    let pages = [
        p .. {
            topic: #[ t foreach var t in tags where string.startswith(t.value, 'article:topic') ] > 0,
            tutorial: #[ t foreach var t in tags where string.startswith(t.value, 'article:task-tutorial') ] > 0,
            troubleshooting: #[ t foreach var t in tags where string.startswith(t.value, 'article:task-troubleshooting') ] > 0,
            reference: #[ t foreach var t in tags where string.startswith(t.value, 'article:reference') ] > 0,
            beginner: #[ t foreach var t in tags where string.endswith(t.value, 'beginner') ] > 0,
            intermediate: #[ t foreach var t in tags where string.endswith(t.value, 'intermediate') ] > 0,
            advanced: #[ t foreach var t in tags where string.endswith(t.value, 'advanced') ] > 0
        } foreach 
            var p in pages where p.id != page.id,
            var tags = p.tags
    <div class="noindex">
        <div class="mt-control-block-content">
            //--- Show Topic Pages ---
            var topics = [ p foreach var p in pages where p.topic ];
            if(#topics > 0) {
                if(#topics < #pages) {
                    <div class="mt-control-page-subtitle"> wiki.localize("MindTouch.IDF.topics"); </div>
                <dl class="mt-control-seealso">
                foreach(var p in topics) {
                        <dt> web.link(p.uri, p.title) </dt>
                        <dd> wiki.text(p.path, "Overview") </dd>
            //--- Show Tutorial Pages ---
            var tutorials = [ p foreach var p in pages where p.tutorial ];
            var beginner_label = xml.text(wiki.localize("MindTouch.IDF.tutorial.beginner.short"));
            var intermediate_label = xml.text(wiki.localize("MindTouch.IDF.tutorial.intermediate.short"));
            var advanced_label = xml.text(wiki.localize("MindTouch.IDF.tutorial.advanced.short"));
            var tutorials = [ p .. { sortlabel: beginner_label } foreach var p in tutorials where p.beginner ] .. 
                [ p .. { sortlabel: intermediate_label } foreach var p in tutorials where p.intermediate ] .. 
                [ p .. { sortlabel: advanced_label } foreach var p in tutorials where p.advanced ];
            if(#tutorials > 0) {
                if(#tutorials < #pages) {
                    <div class="mt-control-page-subtitle"> wiki.localize("MindTouch.IDF.tutorial") </div>
                template("ListPages", { 
                    pages: tutorials,
                    style: "bullets",
                    sort: "custom"
            //--- Show Troubleshooting Pages ---
            var troubleshootings = [ p foreach var p in pages where p.troubleshooting ];
            if(#troubleshootings > 0) {
                if(#troubleshootings < #pages) {
                    <div class="mt-control-page-subtitle"> wiki.localize("MindTouch.IDF.troubleshooting") </div>
                template("ListPages", { 
                    pages: troubleshootings,
                    style: "bullets",
                    sort: "custom"
            //--- Show Reference Pages ---
            var references = [ p foreach var p in pages where p.reference ];
            if(#references > 0) {
                if(#references < #pages) {
                    <div class="mt-control-page-subtitle"> wiki.localize("MindTouch.IDF.reference") </div>
                template("ListPages", { 
                    pages: references,
                    style: "bullets",
                    sort: "custom"
            //--- Show Miscellaneous Pages ---
            var misc = [ p foreach var p in pages where !p.topic && !p.tutorial && !p.troubleshooting && !p.reference ];
            if(#misc > 0) {
                if(#misc < #pages) {
                    <div class="mt-control-page-subtitle"> wiki.localize("MindTouch.IDF.other") </div>
                template("ListPages", { 
                    pages: misc,
                    style: "bullets",
                    sort: "custom"
            //--- Show Parent Page (if no other pages were shown) ---
            if(parents && !#topics && !#tutorials && !#troubleshootings && !#references && !#misc) {
                template("ListPages", { 
                    pages: [ page.parent ],
                    style: "bullets",
                    sort: "custom"


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