Admin Enterprise

    Thanks for installing MindTouch

    We hope you get a lot of value out of our software. MindTouch is an award winning enterprise wiki and a powerful rapid application development platform. Be sure to contact us about prebuilt solutions, which include a lot of capabilities not found in our downloads.

    Enterprise Wiki

    Initially, MindTouch is often adopted as an enterprise wiki. It's remarkably easy to use for basic file and information sharing, with versioning already enabled. Some quick attributes of our enterprise wiki are: 

    • Rich text WYSIWYG editing
    • Complete multimedia support
    • Page and file indexing
    • Multi-level page permissions
    • Desktop and Microsoft Office integration
    • 100% standards compliance (XHTML) takes cumbersome wikitext out of the picture

    MindTouch delivers the ease of use required by business users, while meeting and exceeding the requirements of your IT department.

    Enterprise Collaboration Platform

    While many users start using MindTouch as an enterprise wiki, these deployments quickly mature into something much more valuable to their organization.  Users of all skill levels begin to build applications, dashboards and workflows. MindTouch is a rapid application development environment that novice programmers and IT persons can use to build rich internet applications to solve common business problems - most often accomplished by getting the right information to the right users - collaboration in its most basic sense.    

    In addition to the add-ons you can download from, MindTouch also offers pre-packaged solutions with additional capabilities, including MindTouch Social Intranet, and the MindTouch Social Documentation.

    Revolutionize Your Collaboration Experience

    At this point, it should be clear that:

    "MindTouch is as much a wiki, as a spreadsheet application is a table you can put numbers in.

    Meaning, you are about to start working with an enterprise wiki that also includes: 

    • A social layer capable of federating enterprise systems, applications, and APIs
    • An integrated development environment
    • Light weight business intelligence tools
    • Web-services orchestration engine 

    It's such a robust product that Forrester Research cites MindTouch the best enterprise collaboration platform alternative to Microsoft SharePoint and IBM. You'll soon see why.

    Your Next Step

    We hope this short walkthrough gave you insight into why MindTouch revolutionizes collaboration. Sign-up for our weekly webinars to learn more, or contact MindTouch Customer Service for more information, demo, and URLs to live sites at 619.795.8459.



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