keine Gliederung
<input type="hidden" id=('TheProperty_' ..@id) value=($0 ?? $name ?? 'voter') /> <input type="hidden" id=('pageApi_' ..@id) value=($1 ?? $pageid ?? wiki.getpage( /> <input type="hidden" id=('CurUserID_' ..@id) value=( /> <input type="hidden" id=('UniqueId_' ..@id) value=($2 ?? $voterid ?? '') /> var scoretype = ($3 ?? $scoring ?? 'sum'); if(scoretype != 'sum' && scoretype != 'percent') {let scoretype = 'sum'} <input type="hidden" id=('Scoring_' ..@id) value=(scoretype) /> if(($3 ?? $voterid ?? '') == '') { <p> 'Template:AjaxVoter (ERROR): The $voterid Parameter MUST have a value and should be unique amongst all the AjaxVoters on this page.'; </p> } else { <table> <tr> <td style="padding:0px; border:1px solid black; min-width:75px; width:75px"> <div id=('voter-container_' ..@id) style="padding-bottom:5px"> <div id=('vote-results-container_' ..@id)> <div id=('vote-results-percent_' ..@id) style="font-size:.8em;font-weight:bold;margin:auto;text-align:center"/> <div id=('vote-results_' ..@id) style="font-size:1.5em;font-weight:bold;margin:auto;text-align:center"/> <div id=('vote-loading_' ..@id) style="margin:auto;width:16px;height:16px;background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image:url('/skins/common/icons/anim-wait-circle.gif');" /> </div> <div id=('results-footer_' ..@id) style="font-weight:bold;font-size:.8em;text-align:center;"></div> <div id=('icon-wrap_' ..@id) style="text-align:center;"> if(!user.anonymous) { <a href="#" id=('down_val_' ..@id)><img src="" style="height:24px;width:24px;" /></a> <a href="#" id=('up_val_' ..@id)><img src="" style="height:24px;width:24px;" /></a> } else 'Login to Vote'; </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> } <html><head> // <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /> // <script type="text/javascript" src="" /> <script type="text/javascript">" $(document).ready(function() { var scoring = $('#Scoring_"..@id.."').val(); if (scoring == 'sum') $('#vote-results-container_"..@id.."').hover(ShowPercent"..@id..", ShowScore"..@id.."); $('#vote-results-percent_"..@id.."').hide(); $('#up_val_"..@id.."').click(function() { var thePageApi = $('#pageApi_"..@id.."').val(); var thePropertyName = $('#TheProperty_"..@id.."').val(); ReadProperty( thePageApi, thePropertyName, IncreaseVote_"..@id.."); return false; }); $('#down_val_"..@id.."').click(function() { var thePageApi = $('#pageApi_"..@id.."').val(); var thePropertyName = $('#TheProperty_"..@id.."').val(); ReadProperty( thePageApi, thePropertyName, DecreaseVote_"..@id.."); return false; }); GetVoteCount_"..@id.."(); }); function ShowPercent"..@id.."() { $('#vote-results_"..@id.."').hide(); $('#vote-results-percent_"..@id.."').show(); } function ShowScore"..@id.."() { $('#vote-results-percent_"..@id.."').hide(); $('#vote-results_"..@id.."').show(); } var SaveTotals_"..@id.." = function(curVal, status) { var voteCounts = ''; var totalsPos = 0; var totalsNeg = 0; var thePageApi = $('#pageApi_"..@id.."').val(); var thePropertyName = 'Totals@' + $('#UniqueId_"..@id.."').val(); if(typeOf(curVal) == 'array') { for(var i = 0; i < curVal.length; i++) { if(curVal[i].vote == 1) { totalsPos = totalsPos + 1; } else { totalsNeg = totalsNeg + -1; } } voteCounts = {positive: totalsPos, negative: Math.abs(totalsNeg), score: totalsPos + totalsNeg}; } else { voteCounts = {positive: 0, negative: 0, score: 0}; } AddUpdateProperty(thePageApi, thePropertyName, voteCounts, '', ''); } var IncreaseVote_"..@id.." = function(curVal, status) { $('#icon-wrap_"..@id.."').hide(); $('#vote-loading_"..@id.."').show(); $('#vote-results_"..@id.."').hide(); var voteCounts = new Array; var newUser = true; var thePageApi = $('#pageApi_"..@id.."').val(); var thePropertyName = $('#TheProperty_"..@id.."').val(); var CurUserID = $('#CurUserID_"..@id.."').val(); if(typeOf(curVal) == 'array') { for(var i = 0; i < curVal.length; i++) { if(curVal[i].userid == CurUserID) { curVal[i].vote = 1; newUser = false; break; } } } else { curVal = new Array; } if(newUser == true) { curVal[curVal.length] = {userid: CurUserID, vote: 1}; } AddUpdateProperty(thePageApi, thePropertyName, curVal, GetVoteCount_"..@id..", SaveTotals_"..@id.."); } var DecreaseVote_"..@id.." = function(curVal, status) { $('#icon-wrap_"..@id.."').hide(); $('#vote-loading_"..@id.."').show(); $('#vote-results_"..@id.."').hide(); var voteCounts = new Array; var newUser = true; var thePageApi = $('#pageApi_"..@id.."').val(); var thePropertyName = $('#TheProperty_"..@id.."').val(); var CurUserID = $('#CurUserID_"..@id.."').val(); if(typeOf(curVal) == 'array') { for(var i = 0; i < curVal.length; i++) { if(curVal[i].userid == CurUserID) { curVal[i].vote = -1; newUser = false; break; } } } else { curVal = new Array; } if(newUser == true) { curVal[curVal.length] = {userid: CurUserID, vote: -1}; } AddUpdateProperty(thePageApi, thePropertyName, curVal, GetVoteCount_"..@id..", SaveTotals_"..@id.."); } var GetVoteCount_"..@id.." = function(parm, status) { $('#vote-loading_"..@id.."').show(); $('#vote-results_"..@id.."').hide(); var thePageApi = $('#pageApi_"..@id.."').val(); var thePropertyName = $('#TheProperty_"..@id.."').val(); var CurUserID = $('#CurUserID_"..@id.."').val(); ReadProperty( thePageApi, thePropertyName, ShowVoteCount_"..@id.."); } var ShowVoteCount_"..@id.." = function(curVal, status) { $('#icon-wrap_"..@id.."').show(); $('#vote-results_"..@id.."').show(); $('#vote-loading_"..@id.."').hide(); // calculate vote totals var totalsPos = 0; var runTotal = 0; var totalVotes = 0; var bgcolor; var green = new Array(80,225,80); var red = new Array(245,110,100); var white = new Array(255,255,255); var scoring = $('#Scoring_"..@id.."').val(); if(typeOf(curVal) == 'array') { for(var i = 0; i < curVal.length; i++) { runTotal = runTotal + curVal[i].vote if(curVal[i].vote > 0) totalsPos ++; } totalVotes = curVal.length; } // calculate and output final score and color if (scoring == 'sum') { if (runTotal == 0) bgcolor = 'rgb(' + white.join(',') + ')'; else if (runTotal > 0) { runTotal = '+' + runTotal; bgcolor = 'rgb(' + green.join(',') + ')'; } else if (runTotal < 0) bgcolor = 'rgb(' + red.join(',') + ')'; // update percentage overlay var percentPos = Math.round((totalsPos / Math.max(totalVotes,1)) * 100); $('#vote-results-percent_"..@id.."').html('Pos: ' + percentPos + '%<br/>Neg: ' + (100-percentPos) + '%').css('background-color', bgcolor); } else { var outColor = new Array(192,192,192); if (totalVotes == 0) runTotal = 'NA'; else { var degree = 2*totalsPos/totalVotes - 1; var i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) outColor[i] = Math.round(white[i] + degree* (degree > 0 ? green[i] - white[i] : white[i] - red[i])); if (scoring == 'percent') runTotal = Math.round(100*totalsPos/totalVotes) + '%'; else runTotal = (degree > 0 ? '+' : '') + Math.round(100*degree); } bgcolor = 'rgb(' + outColor.join(',') + ')'; } $('#vote-results_"..@id.."').html(runTotal).css('background-color', bgcolor); $('#results-footer_"..@id.."').html(totalVotes + ' votes'); } function typeOf(obj) { if ( typeof(obj) == 'object' ) { if (obj.length) { return 'array'; } else { return 'object'; } } else { return typeof(obj); } } // This function is simply used to aid in debugging. var AlertMe = function(text, status) { alert(status + ':' + text); } function AddUpdateProperty(pageApi, propName, propValue, callback, totalsCallBack) { // property name to update var propertyname = '' + propName; propValueJson = YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(propValue); // send AJAX request to find the property $.ajax({ // set the uri for the properties API of the current page // add parameter to only list properties that match the requested name // add parameters to convert response to JSON and url: pageApi + '/properties?dream.out.format=json&names=' + Deki.url.encode(propertyname), // set the request HTTP verb type: 'GET', cache: false, // check outcome of the request complete: function(xhr) { // check response status code if(xhr.status == 200) { // evaluate respone JSON data var data = eval('(' + xhr.responseText + ')'); // read property href and ETag var href = &&['@href']; var etag = &&['@etag']; // check we the value was found if(href && etag) { // send AJAX request to update the property $.ajax({ // set the request HTTP verb url: href + '?', type: 'POST', // set the value of the updated property data: propValueJson, contentType: 'text/plain', processData: false, // add the 'ETag' header which checks if the property was modified since we read it beforeSend: function(xhr) { // NOTE (see Update 1 below): remove content-encoding added by Apache mod_deflate etag = etag.replace('-gzip', '').replace('-bzip2', '').replace('-zip', ''); xhr.setRequestHeader('ETag', etag); return true; }, // check response status code complete: function(xhr) { // check the response status code if(xhr.status == 200) { // alert('Property was successfully updated.'); if(typeof callback == 'function') callback(true, xhr.status); else return true; if(typeof totalsCallBack == 'function') totalsCallBack(propValue, xhr.status); else return false; } else { // alert('Unable to update the property. It may no longer exist (try recreating it), it may have been changed, or you don\\'t have permission to update it.'); if(typeof callback == 'function') callback(false, xhr.status); else return false; } } }); } else { // CREATE PAGE PROPERTY // send AJAX request using jQuery $.ajax({ // set the uri for the properties API of the current page url: pageApi + '/properties', // set the request HTTP verb type: 'POST', // set the value of the new property data: propValueJson, contentType: 'text/plain', processData: false, // add the 'Slug' header which sets the property name beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Slug', '' + propName); return true; }, // check outcome of the request complete: function(xhr) { // check the response status code if(xhr.status == 200) { // alert('Property was successfully created.'); if(typeof callback == 'function') callback(true, xhr.status); else return true; if(typeof totalsCallBack == 'function') totalsCallBack(propValue, xhr.status); else return false; } else { // alert('Unable to create the property. It may already exist (try deleting it) or you don\\'t have permission to create it.'); if(typeof callback == 'function') callback(true, xhr.status); else return true; } } }); // End Ajax (Create Property) } } else { // alert('Unable to query the property. You don\\'t have permission to read it.'); if(typeof callback == 'function') callback(false, xhr.status); else return false; } } }); // End AJAX (Update Property) } // End Function AddUpdateProperty function DeleteProperty(pageApi, propName, callback) { // property name to update var propertyname = '' + propName; // send AJAX request to find the property $.ajax({ // set the uri for the properties API of the current page // add parameter to only list properties that match the requested name // add parameters to convert response to JSON and url: pageApi + '/properties?dream.out.format=json&names=' + Deki.url.encode(propertyname), // set the request HTTP verb type: 'GET', cache: false, // check outcome of the request complete: function(xhr) { // check response status code if(xhr.status == 200) { // evaluate respone JSON data var data = eval('(' + xhr.responseText + ')'); // read property href var href = &&['@href']; // check we the value was found if(href) { // send AJAX request to delete the property $.ajax({ // set the request HTTP verb url: href + '?', type: 'POST', // check response status code complete: function(xhr) { // check the response status code if(xhr.status == 200) { // alert('Property was successfully deleted.'); if(typeof callback == 'function') callback(true, xhr.status); else return true; } else { // Who cares we were going to trash it anyhow // alert('Unable to delete the property. It may not exist (try creating it) or you don\\'t have permission to delete it.'); if(typeof callback == 'function') callback(true, xhr.status); else return true; } } }); } else { // Who cares we were going to trash it anyhow // alert('Unable to find the property. It may not exist (try creating it).'); if(typeof callback=='function') callback(true, xhr.status); else return true; } } else { alert('Unable to query the property. You don\\'t have permission to read it.'); if(typeof callback=='function') callback(false, xhr.status); else return false; } } }); } // End Function DeleteProperty function ReadProperty(pageApi, propName, callback) { // property name to read var propertyname = '' + propName; // send AJAX request using jQuery $.ajax({ // set the uri for the properties API of the current page // add parameter to only list properties that match the requested name // add parameters to convert response to JSON and url: pageApi + '/properties?dream.out.format=json&names=' + Deki.url.encode(propertyname), // set the request HTTP verb type: 'GET', cache: false, async: false, // check outcome of the request complete: function(xhr) { // check response status code if(xhr.status == 200) { // evaluate response JSON data var data = eval('(' + xhr.responseText + ')'); // read property value var value = &&['#text']; // check we the value was found if(value) { value = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(value); // alert('Property was successfully read.\\nIts value is \\'' + value + '\\''); if(typeof callback == 'function') callback(value, xhr.status); else return value; } else { // alert('Unable to find the property. It may not exist (try creating it).'); if(typeof callback == 'function') callback(value, xhr.status); else return null; } } else { // alert('Unable to query the property. You don\\'t have permission to read it.'); if(typeof callback == 'function') callback(value, xhr.status); else return null; } } }); } "</script> <style type="text/css">" "</style> </head></html>